Themed Issue: Transmedia Horror
Edited by Jessica Balanzategui & Naja Later
1. The Comfort and Disquiet of Transmedia Horror in Higurashi: When They Cry (Higurashi no naku koro ni) – Brian Ruh
2. Jodi Arias in the Public Sphere: Rhetorics of Horror and the Monstrous Feminine – Elizabeth Lowry
3. Candid Cameras: Transmedia Haunting and the Paranormal Activity Franchise – Janani Subramanian
4. Everything in this World is Artificial: Media Contagion, Theme Parks and the Ring Franchise – Jessica Balanzategui
5. Defining Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance: Crossing Boundaries of Genre, Media, Self and Other in New Supernatural Worlds – Leigh M. McLennon
6. Sinister Celluloid in the Age of Instagram – Marc Olivier
7. Who is the Slender Man? – Naja Later
8. Trafficking in the Zombie: The CDC Zombie Apocalypse Campaign, Diseaseability and Pandemic Culture – Neil Gerlach & Sheryl N. Hamilton