Articles submitted for Refractory: a Journal of Entertainment Media

Articles dealing generally with areas outlined in the home page (and beyond) may be submitted electronically as a Word document to . If you’d like to edit a special themed issue also send an email outlining the theme focus, whether you have authors for the issue and their topics, or whether you’ll be posting a CALL FOR PAPERS. Word length of essays should be between 3,000-8,000 words.

All views expressed by the contributors to the website are those of the authors and not the Refractory (unless otherwise indicated).

NB. Although most contributions follow a standard publication format at this time, we also encourage contributors to make full and creative use of the nature of the web. It is possible, for example, to also submit in video essay format. The form such contributions may take can be discussed with the editors.


The individual authors hold copyright. If material is re-published elsewhere it must include a statement that it was originally published by Refractory. The editors reserve the right to maintain permanent archival copies of all submissions.


Please include any images or other visual material with your submission. Note: In most circumstances, images cannot be included unless permission has been obtained from the copyright owner to reproduce them electronically. It is the obligation of the author to negotiate with the Refractory and obtain permission. Images should be saved in sequence of appearance in the text e.g. 1-Wayne, 2-Wayne etc, and a list of figures should be included that has information about the source and where it came from. The same method should be followed for sound files. If you’d like to include links or inserts of video footage, include the link, and the information that should accompany it. In all instances, your text should be clear as to where in the text you’d like the image/sound/video to appear.

Style Guidelines

Articles for Refractory should range from 3,000 to 8,000 words. These will be refereed – submission is no guarantee of acceptance.

All sources must be cited in a consistent manner according to MLA (Modern Language Association) style criteria (in text author-date) and included in a bibliography. Footnotes can be used to include additional information. Essay not submitted in this style will be returned.

For further information on referencing in the MLA style:

For specific style instructions, please find the Refractory Style Guide here.

Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors 

