Jun 22, 2014 | fan culture, Film, Games, Other, Print Media, Television, Uncategorized, Urban Space, Volume 23
The Ring Franchise The circuits of transnational production sparked by Ringu (Hideo Nakata, 1998)[1] — which remains Japan’s most commercially successful domestic horror film ever released — are polyvalent and anfractuous, constituted of almost unprecedented levels of...
Jun 22, 2014 | Digital Media/Internet, Other, Print Media, Television, Volume 23
Introduction The Jodi Arias Trial has been described as one of the most peculiar and salacious murder trials in American history.[1] In May 2013, Arias, a 32 year-old woman, was found guilty of murdering her ex-boyfriend, Travis Alexander in Mesa, Arizona on June 4th...
Jun 22, 2014 | Animation, Comics, Television, Volume 23
It has been common in recent years for a Japanese entertainment property to encompass multiple forms of media. In fact, it has become unusual for a media product to not exist in more than one format. There are many different paths that this media progression can take...
Feb 5, 2014 | fan culture, Refractory, Television, Uncategorized, Volume 22
This article appreciates the Michael Richards episode of Jerry Seinfeld’s online video series Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee (Crackle, 2012-).[1] I claim the episode is distinguished among the series by its unexpectedly poignant images of Richards giving...
Feb 5, 2014 | Film, Games, Television, Uncategorized, Volume 22
Abstract: This paper attempts to examine three films by director David Cronenberg, Videodrome, Naked Lunch, and eXistenZ in an effort to understand his ideas regarding the transformative nature of information on the body and mind. As a filmmaker, Cronenberg is unique...
Dec 29, 2012 | Film, Television, Uncategorized
In the closing scenes of Catherine Hardwicke’s recent teen film Red Riding Hood (2011), heroine Valerie, armed with a dagger, journeys into the forest to hunt and kill the big bad wolf. After slaying the beast in a bloody battle, Valerie does not return home to be...