Feb 26, 2019 | Television, Volume 31
Emily McAvan Abstract: In this paper I will discuss the coming together of different orders of being and the ways in which the Stranger Things depicts a sacred dimension of otherness bleeding through into 1980s small-town America. Whilst the metaphor of the...
Feb 26, 2019 | Television, Volume 31
Rebecca Kumar Abstract: The decade in which Stranger Things is set was a crucial turning point in post-civil rights African-American history. For many, the Reagan-era is associated less with halcyon suburbs like Hawkins, where America was once “great,” and more...
Feb 26, 2019 | Television, Volume 31
Keith Clavin and Lauren J. Kuryloski Abstract: This article argues for a queer historicizing of the gender constructions of the characters of Will Byers, Eleven, and Steve Harrington in Stranger Things. We propose that these characters embody complementary gender...
Feb 26, 2019 | Television, Volume 31
Lucy Baker, Amanda Howell and Rebecca Kumar Season One of Stranger Things (Netflix, Duffer Brothers, 2016-present) was praised by critics for how it captured the “allure of simpler, innocent times,” as it offered its audiences the chance to “bliss...
Oct 12, 2017 | Film, Television, Volume 29
Refractory: a Journal of Entertainment Media, Volume 29, 2017 Abstract: David Lynch’s Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) creates a sophisticated hyperconscious web that intersects televisual and cinematic technologies and their histories, and analysis reveals a continual...
Oct 10, 2017 | Animation, Digital Media/Internet, Television, Volume 29
Refractory: a Journal of Entertainment Media, Volume 29, 2017 Abstract: This article discusses the influence of the women purveyors who have been instrumental in the development of US television cartoons. It focuses on the US 1990s digital era upon which the...