Dec 27, 2008 | Animation, Film, Sound, Volume 14
Double Trouble – Special Issue on Split and Double Screens Guest Editors: Tessa Dwyer & Mehmet Mehmet Contents 1. Double Trouble: Editorial – Tessa Dwyer & Mehmet Mehmet 2. The Mosaic-Screen: Exploration and Definition – Sergio Dias Branco 3....
Dec 27, 2008 | Film, Sound, Television, Volume 14
Split screens spell double trouble. This special issue of Refractory is devoted to the dangers of division, the difficulties of duality and the duplicity of the double, not to mention acts of severing, splintering and splicing. Although our call for papers was...
Dec 27, 2008 | Film, Sound, Volume 14
Abstract: This article focuses on the operation of sound in the split-screen movie. It concentrates, in particular, on instances where the storytelling function of sound is accompanied by the aural exploration of the split screen as a specific spatial form. Different...
Aug 22, 2008 | Comics, Film, Other, Sound, Television, Urban Space, Volume 08
Edited by Angela Ndalianis and Wendy Haslem Some of the essays in this special bumper issue were presented as papers at the Men in Tights! Superheroes Conference, which was held at Melbourne University, June 2005. Contents 1. True Lies: Do We Really Want Our Icons to...
May 24, 2008 | Games, Older Media, Sound, Volume 13
Abstract: Douglas Brown’s Rez: An Evolving Analysis dives into Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s ‘trance shooter’ to reveal how the game’s recursive dynamics – between sight and sound, rhythm and novelty, abstraction and representation – work to construct the player’s spatial and...