Aug 27, 2003 | Contents Page Only, Film, Sound, Volume 04
The Sounds of Vision: Spectatorship and Aural Perception Editor, Felicity Colman 1. ‘They’re Here’: The Rhythmic Accent, the Single Beat and Rhythmic Silence – Annie Turner 2. Authenticating White Trash: The performance of country music in O...
Aug 27, 2003 | Film, Music, Sound, Volume 04
Abstract: This essay explores the way white trash identity is performed through country music. In particular, the focus is on the way the film O Brother, Where Art Thou? (Joel Coen, 2001) uses a soundtrack of ‘old-timey’ country music from the 1920s and...
Jun 26, 2003 | Contents Page Only, Digital Media/Internet, Film, Museums, Older Media, Television, Volume 03
Uncanny Spaces and Gods in the Multiverse Editors, Angela Ndalianis & Leonie Cooper 1. Uncanny Spaces & Gods in the Multiverse: an Introduction – Leonie Cooper 2. Three Poems – William Stobb 3. The Martian in the Multiverse – Michael Punt 4....
Jun 26, 2003 | Film, Older Media, Print Media, Urban Space, Volume 03
I existed independently of time and matter, I felt myself departing from my body as I imagined a spirit would depart -emanating into the cockpit, extending through the fuselage as though no frame of fabric walls were there, angling upward, outward, until I reformed in...
Aug 6, 2002 | Contents Page Only, fan culture, Film, Television, Volume 01
Contents: 1. The Techno-Sublime by Barbara Bolt 2. Contested Spaces: The Internet Ate My TV, The TV Company Ate My Internet Site by Djoymi Baker 3. The Uncomfortable Cult: How Novelty and Subverted Expectations Generate a Cult Following in Contemporary Fantastic...
Aug 6, 2002 | Browse by Media, Digital Media/Internet, Television, Volume 01
Beyond the usual location of the television set in the private home, television discourse extends into other spaces, such as those created by TV gossip, journalism, and merchandising. In the age of the internet, virtual space has become the site of both official and...