Sep 4, 2007 | Film, Volume 11
“It’s the perfect place for it.” Ava Gardner on shooting a film about the end of the world in Melbourne, Australia. You have no clue who Ava Gardner is, or Gregory Peck or Fred Astaire, and if this is Melbourne it’s a mystery to you, whoever you...
Sep 4, 2007 | Television, Volume 11
Introduction Feminism and commercial television have never been happy bedfellows. Since feminism was brought to the attention of the general public in the 60s and 70s, there has been something of a wary stand off between it and television. This is not to say that...
Sep 4, 2007 | Film, Volume 11
Age 13, After Seeing the Film VIVA ZAPATA I liked to watch Brando in the sweet dark. Up there on the screen, he mirrored my ego. Life is flawed. Teen years are tough. Movies can be the top escape for the cowed. A horse gallops free, the West shimmers, Mexico’s...
Jan 15, 2007 | Television
This essay addresses the parodic representation of heroism in the quintessential American dramatic comedy, The Sopranos, and develops the different means by which these thematics are explored. This paper was presented at the ‘Holy Men in Tights’...