Aug 22, 2008 | Comics, Film, Other, Sound, Television, Urban Space, Volume 08
Edited by Angela Ndalianis and Wendy Haslem Some of the essays in this special bumper issue were presented as papers at the Men in Tights! Superheroes Conference, which was held at Melbourne University, June 2005. Contents 1. True Lies: Do We Really Want Our Icons to...
Aug 22, 2008 | Comics, Film, Volume 08
Louise Krasniewicz takes a comic book journey into the life and times of Arnold Schwarzenegger… Writing an academic paper as if it were a comic book goes against everything we are taught about what makes for a good argument, a coherent theoretical stance, or a...
May 25, 2008 | Digital Media/Internet, Games, Volume 13
Games and Metamateriality Guest Editors: Christian McCrea, Darshana Jayemanne, Tom Apperley Contents 1. Deviant Materials: Reflecting Surfaces and Hollow Bodies in CSI – Zach Whalen 2. Rez: An Evolving Analysis – Douglas Brown 3. Meaningless Play: The...
May 24, 2008 | Film, Games, Television, Volume 13
Abstract: In Deviant Materialities: Reflecting Surfaces and Hollow Bodies in CSI, Zach Whalen examines the simulation of two kinds of gaze – the surface reflection of the mirror and the penetration of forensic and surgical procedures. The ‘CSI shot’, a signature of...
May 24, 2008 | Games, Older Media, Sound, Volume 13
Abstract: Douglas Brown’s Rez: An Evolving Analysis dives into Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s ‘trance shooter’ to reveal how the game’s recursive dynamics – between sight and sound, rhythm and novelty, abstraction and representation – work to construct the player’s spatial and...
May 23, 2008 | Games, Volume 13
Abstract: This article draws an analogy to Sartre’s (1943/1993) existentialism to describe qualities of “meaningless” computer gameplay. Silvan Tomkins’ (1962, 1963, 1992) work is used to argue that disjunctive moments of gameplay may elicit an affect of shame that...