Jul 18, 2010 | Comics, Volume 17
The term ‘graphic novel’ was popularised by Igor Goldkind, a publicist employed by UK publisher Titan Books in 1985 to promote comic books to an adult audience.[1] ‘My job,’ he said, ‘was to develop a semantic the general public and the book trade could understand’...
Jul 18, 2010 | Digital Media/Internet, Television, Urban Space, Volume 17
We are still living under the banner of medieval technology. Umberto Eco (1986) The medieval system, based on graded ranks, of course knew no economic quality. Lewis Mumford (1961) Introduction Science and technology are locked into an unbreakable dualism that differs...
Jul 18, 2010 | Film, Older Media, Volume 17
When paintings appear in the films of celebrated auteurs such as Peter Greenaway or Rainer Werner Fassbinder, critical debate tends to ask how, rather than if, the inclusion of these works impacts the broader meaning of the film as a whole. But despite the prevalence...
Jul 18, 2010 | Film, Older Media, Television, Uncategorized, Volume 17
Media matters, Friedrich Kittler reminds us. Without media the world is senseless, or rather we are senseless before it. More importantly, media matter in different ways such that the world mediated via pen and paper is essentially different from a world mediated via...
Jul 18, 2010 | Film, Sound, Volume 17
Much of the academic writing on the films of Buster Keaton concentrates on the silent period from 1917, when Keaton began his career in films, to 1928 when his independent production company (Buster Keaton Productions) was wound up and Keaton signed a contract with...
Nov 18, 2009 | Browse Past Volumes, Contents Page Only, Digital Media/Internet, Games, Volume 16
‘All Your Base Are Belong to Us’: Videogames and Play in the Information Age Editors: Tom Apperley and Justin Clemens Contents 1. Editorial: Tom Apperley and Justin Clemens 2. A Critique of Play – Sean Cubitt 3. ‘The code which governs war and play’:...