Dec 29, 2012 | Digital Media/Internet, fan culture, Film, Older Media, Uncategorized
An animated gif uses the Graphics Interchange Format to create movement from still images. The outcome is a short clip with jerky motion that has been described, quite aptly, as a “digital flip book”.[1] The device has been around since the 1980s, but due to its...
Dec 29, 2012 | Digital Media/Internet, Older Media, Volume 21
The way that a narrative unravels has traditionally been understood to occur over time: the time that it takes to read words on a page and to process meaning, and the time frame of events as depicted in the narrative. As we increasingly encounter electronic...
Nov 7, 2012 | Film, Music, Older Media, Print Media, Volume 20
Abstract: This article explores the role that La Opinion, a Mexican American press that rose to meet the growing needs of Mexicans of first and second generation in the U.S. Southwest, played in addressing migrants through a pedagogy of ethnic consciousness. It is...
Nov 7, 2012 | Animation, Comics, Digital Media/Internet, fan culture, Film, Games, Older Media, Television, Volume 20
Abstract: This essay examines a contemporary cultural icon that operates across distinct media boundaries, as a kind of transmedia archetype. Of interest is the visuality of what I call the ‘single female intruder’, which emerges as the intersection of a variety of...
May 6, 2011 | Browse by Media, fan culture, Film, Music, Older Media, Television, Volume 18
What does it mean to say a text is within, or representative of, a transitional state? Is such a position even possible given we must always choose a point of fixity from which to proceed in our analysis? Popular culture, and the media through which it is transmitted,...
Jul 18, 2010 | Games, Older Media, Print Media, Uncategorized, Urban Space, Volume 17
On January 21, 1942, pinball machines and their operation were made illegal in New York City. Raids on pinball venues—arcades, bars, and shops—commenced immediately, and thousands of the machines were seized within the following weeks. The banning of pinball in the...