Jul 6, 2018 | Digital Media/Internet, Film, Virtual Reality, Volume 30
Abstract: This article interrogates the role of the witness spectator in 360-degree virtual reality nonfiction. As the postmedia age promises the softening of discreet media forms and the rise of a singular mode of mediated experience, the new virtual reality – one...
Jul 6, 2018 | Digital Media/Internet, Film, Games, Virtual Reality, Volume 30
Abstract: Virtual reality (VR), with its huge diversity of cultural conceptions and definitions, is a wholly paradoxical technological phenomenon: it is at once futuristic yet retrograde, exciting yet unsettling, a simulation and yet reality. The potentials for VR lie...
Jul 3, 2018 | Digital Media/Internet, Film, Virtual Reality, Volume 30
Abstract: Although virtual reality (VR) technologies like Oculus Rift, Sony PlayStation VR and Samsung Gear VR have only recently become available for consumer use, VR has appeared in fictional works (such as novels and films) since 1964 (Steinicke, 2016). This means...
Jul 1, 2018 | Digital Media/Internet, Film, Older Media, Volume 30
Abstract: With 360-degree filmmaking and Virtual Reality (VR) – the audience can now be immersed in the milieu of the filmed location. Hitherto hard to reach territories, and hard to portray narratives can now be realised and experienced first hand – rendering new...
Jul 1, 2018 | Augmented Reality, Digital Media/Internet, Film, Games, Museums, Theatre, Uncategorized, Virtual Reality, Volume 30
Themed Issue: VIRTUAL REALITY edited by Andrew Lynch, Alexa Scarlata and Thao Phan Virtual Perspective: The Aesthetic Lineages of Immersive Experience ~ Asher Warren Virtual Humanity: Empathy, Embodiment and Disorientation in Humanitarian VR Experience Design ~...
Oct 12, 2017 | Film, Television, Volume 29
Refractory: a Journal of Entertainment Media, Volume 29, 2017 Abstract: David Lynch’s Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) creates a sophisticated hyperconscious web that intersects televisual and cinematic technologies and their histories, and analysis reveals a continual...