Jun 17, 2004 | Comics, Contents Page Only, Digital Media/Internet, fan culture, Television, Volume 06
Editor, Djoymi Baker CONTENTS 1. Fandom and Space: An Introduction [Editorial] – Djoymi Baker 2. Of Mounties and Gay Marriage: Canadian Television, American Fans, and the Virtual Heterotopia – Rhiannon Bury 3. Between Consumerism and Resistance, Outreach...
Jun 26, 2003 | Contents Page Only, Digital Media/Internet, Film, Museums, Older Media, Television, Volume 03
Uncanny Spaces and Gods in the Multiverse Editors, Angela Ndalianis & Leonie Cooper 1. Uncanny Spaces & Gods in the Multiverse: an Introduction – Leonie Cooper 2. Three Poems – William Stobb 3. The Martian in the Multiverse – Michael Punt 4....
Aug 6, 2002 | Browse by Media, Digital Media/Internet, Television, Volume 01
Beyond the usual location of the television set in the private home, television discourse extends into other spaces, such as those created by TV gossip, journalism, and merchandising. In the age of the internet, virtual space has become the site of both official and...
Mar 8, 2001 | Digital Media/Internet, Games
Jim had the privilege of interviewing Paul McInnes at the 2001 Australian Game Developers Conference, on a variety of topics including his previous academic study as well as his current work on Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs). Paul McInnes is lead game...