Jul 6, 2018 | Comics, Games, Print Media, Virtual Reality, Volume 30
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationships between embodiment, presence and immersion in contemporary forms of VR. The term virtual reality (VR) refers to the generation of three-dimensional environments using computer-graphics or 360° video...
Jun 22, 2014 | Animation, Comics, Television, Volume 23
It has been common in recent years for a Japanese entertainment property to encompass multiple forms of media. In fact, it has become unusual for a media product to not exist in more than one format. There are many different paths that this media progression can take...
Feb 5, 2014 | Animation, Comics, fan culture, Other, Uncategorized, Volume 22
Abstract: The socio/cultural history and partnership of toy advertisement and children’s television is rich and well documented (Schneider 1989, Kunkel 1988, Seiter 1993). In this article I discuss the influence of policy in girl’s cartoon programming as...
Nov 7, 2012 | Animation, Comics, fan culture, Television, Volume 20
Abstract: Since the international popularisation of anime and manga, the bishounen has been one of Japan’s best recognised archetypal figures. But where did this stereotypical look come from, and is it a purely fictional representation? This paper examines the...
Nov 7, 2012 | Animation, Comics, Digital Media/Internet, fan culture, Film, Games, Older Media, Television, Volume 20
Abstract: This essay examines a contemporary cultural icon that operates across distinct media boundaries, as a kind of transmedia archetype. Of interest is the visuality of what I call the ‘single female intruder’, which emerges as the intersection of a variety of...
Jul 18, 2010 | Comics, Digital Media/Internet, fan culture, Film, Games, Uncategorized, Volume 17
ed. Angela Ndalianis Contents 1. From Cult Texts to Authored Languages: Fan Discourse and the Performances of Authorship – Karolina Agata Kazimierczak 2. The Pinball Problem – Daniel Reynolds 3. The Invisible Medium: Comics Studies in Australia –...