Aug 6, 2014 | Animation, Digital Media/Internet, fan culture, Film, Television, Uncategorized, Volume 24
This special issue developed out the Intermediations symposium held at the University of Otago on May 31, 2013,[1] and on the invitation of keynote speaker and Refractory Editor, Angela Ndalianis. Presenters at this symposium who have contributed essays here include...
Jun 22, 2014 | Animation, Comics, Television, Volume 23
It has been common in recent years for a Japanese entertainment property to encompass multiple forms of media. In fact, it has become unusual for a media product to not exist in more than one format. There are many different paths that this media progression can take...
Feb 5, 2014 | Animation, Comics, fan culture, Other, Uncategorized, Volume 22
Abstract: The socio/cultural history and partnership of toy advertisement and children’s television is rich and well documented (Schneider 1989, Kunkel 1988, Seiter 1993). In this article I discuss the influence of policy in girl’s cartoon programming as...
Nov 7, 2012 | Animation, Comics, fan culture, Television, Volume 20
Abstract: Since the international popularisation of anime and manga, the bishounen has been one of Japan’s best recognised archetypal figures. But where did this stereotypical look come from, and is it a purely fictional representation? This paper examines the...
Nov 7, 2012 | Animation, Comics, Digital Media/Internet, fan culture, Film, Games, Older Media, Television, Volume 20
Abstract: This essay examines a contemporary cultural icon that operates across distinct media boundaries, as a kind of transmedia archetype. Of interest is the visuality of what I call the ‘single female intruder’, which emerges as the intersection of a variety of...
Jun 25, 2009 | Animation, Comics, Film, Uncategorized, Volume 15
The art of remix and mash-ups is a contemporary cultural phenomenon that has been facilitated by the mass availability of digital software. Remix effectively describes the process of taking samples of existing media – for example audio tracks, film and television...