Themed Issue: Beyond Nostalgia: Discomfort and Difference in Stranger Things
Edited by Lucy Baker, Amanda Howell and Rebecca Kumar
Table of Contents
Introduction: Beyond Nostalgia, Discomfort and Difference in Stranger Things – Lucy Baker, Amanda Howell and Rebecca Kumar
1. Queering the Clock: Narrative Time and Genderfluidity in Stranger Things – Keith Clavin and Lauren J. Kuryloski
2. “We’re all patriots in this house”: American Fantasies of Colorblindness and Border Control in Stranger Things – Rebecca Kumar
3. The Monstrous Sacred: the intrusion of otherness into Stranger Things – Emily McAvan
4. Weirdo Barbie and Punk-Rock Daddy’s Girl: Ambiguity, Gendered Identity and Appearance of Eleven in Stranger Things – Elizabeth Gackstetter Nichols
5. ‘Something from your life, something that angers you…’: Female rage and redemption in Netflix’s Stranger Things (2016-2017) – Kathleen Hudson
6. Reconstructing the 80’s Man: Nostalgic Masculinities in Stranger Things – Amy S. Li
7. Demogorgons, Death Stars and Difference: Masculinity and Geek Culture in Stranger Things – Tracey Mollet
8. Parenting Into the Spin: Trauma, Coming of Age, and Raising Children in Stranger Things – Lucy Baker and Amanda Howell
9. Trauma and Nostalgia: Youth and the Darkness of Quality in Stranger Things – Rebecca Wildermuth